Emergencies happen all the time and with our Medical Alert ID's, and our Medical Alert Life Pockets, Authorities will be able to contact your loved ones quickly.
Cell Phones can get lost in an accident, need a password or a wi-fi connection. All of our wearable ID USB's contain an extensive 6 page fill in the blank medical history, including emergency contact information, medication list, a pet alert and so much more, they can be easily found and read by first responders. We also provide decals for your home and vehicle letting them know you are carrying the Medical Alert ID USB or Life Pocket. The USB also allows for you to upload any other documents you may think would be important to medical personnel including your picture. In fact over 100+ pages can be loaded to each drive if you so choose. Safety never felt so good.
Our Life pockets are a simple solution for those who may not be familiar with the computer. It gives emergency personnel the critical information they need to make informed decisions about your treatment at home, work or in the car.